Monday, August 23, 2010

Chore Charts

I don't know about you but I am getting tired of cleaning up after my kids and always reminding them to do things, so I saw these on a web site and I just had to make them. I told the kids that for every chore they have on the done side at the end of each day,they get a quarter. I hope it works out. I know Emmalee's does not have the to do and done on it I forgot to cut out 2 of each so I will have to go back to my moms to finish hers. And the web site I got the idea from is:

Just scowl down a little ways. Mine is a little different because Brian got the clipboards from his work for free.


Claire said...

Oh my gosh! Those are ADORABLE! That's it... new project! Thanks for sharing.

Emily said...

How about this at your upcoming craft night. I MUST have one!!!